Genre-bending Florida Rockers Morning Trips have released their first track from their upcoming EP with the unveiling of fast-paced, sugar-sweet indie-pop single ‘Processin’, which shines the light on the band’s arousing musical textures.
Dabbling between the colours of a deceptively broad palette, the new song explores the quartet’s fun, happy side as the melodies leap and bound through just under two minutes of warped vocals and a glittering guitar riff.
Knowing Morning Trips and their equivocal influences, the song probably has a deeper meaning beyond what can be discovered from scratching the surface. However, we like to listen to it for what it’s worth, and that is a brilliant, uplifting tune that straps us tightly in anticipation of the summer months.

To stick this song on is to enter a portal where time stops, and the daydreaming incessantly begins. Dreamy, upbeat, and somewhat psychedelic, ‘Processin’ is ultimately a single that should be listened to in the sun and must whet the ears of what’s to come in July’s EP release.