Photo: Lang Shot Photography
OSM: 'Out Of The Forest' focuses on a dark subject matter - suicide - how did the song form and did anything inspire the writing?
This song is actually the oldest one that's in our set. I wrote it about 8 years ago. It was a time in my life when I was contending with suicidal ideation's quite badly. Writing is always something I've done to help my mental health, but at the time it wasn't working all that well, in fact, it was having the opposite effect. Instead of cathartic release, it was like I was burying myself in my words. I would write and sing about how terrible I felt, which would then compound that feeling. Ultimately, I was bathing in my own sadness and self pity.
This was the first song I wrote that had a narrative of 'What if I survive this?'. I wrote a song about someone who had suicidal thoughts flooding in, like they were creatures revealing themselves from a forest. I wrote about someone who imagined their own death, but found a way to be a different person, resist those urges, and get better. That person wasn't who I was at the time, but it's who I wanted to be.
OSM: What was the writing process of the song?
At the time of writing this song I was just a solo performer. I wrote the lyrics/melody/chords on an acoustic guitar, then when Tired of Fighting took shape I jammed it out with the band.
OSM: Where was the song recorded and who produced it? How was that process?
We recorded it with George Collings at Inheart Studios. We absolutely love recording with George, we feel he really understands our sound and gets the best out of us. We also have the incredibly talented Eliza Lee (check out her band Crowley, and her solo project!) playing lead guitar on this track. She's also featured on one of our other tracks 'Hollow', and she has once again absolutely smashed it out of the park.
OSM: Coming from Newcastle, what is the music scene like there are the moment? Do you have any gigs coming up?
Incredible. There are so many amazing bands in our scene currently. Ruled by Raptors, Hivemind, Kkett, Lull, headcage, Rituals, Holding Out, The Fever Kings, Kidpunk and a billion more I haven't even mentioned. It's so nice to have such a thriving scene with so many amazing bands, and wonderful venues like Trillians, The Cluny, Little Buildings, Bobik's and again, more than I can mention. Our next Newcastle show is August 12th at Bobik's. But all of our gig listings, and tickets can be purchased from tiredoffighting.co.uk
OSM: What does Tired Of Fighting have planned for the rest of the year?
We've got shows across the country this year, from Aberdeen to Cambridge, which we're incredibly excited for, we're also playing Make a Scene Festival on July 15th which is an absolutely unbelievable line up. A couple of support slots with our pals in Wrest (absolutely fantastic band!) and hopefully another single release before the end of the year!
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