Bark Mailey impressed with his previous release and new EP The First Edition is no different. Holsten Pils showcases his vocal attitude and comes with a stunning production; moody and atmospheric it is reminiscent of an old blues track. Backlanes showcases Maileys’ stunning acoustic sound in all its glory. The EP was recorded at the UTC studio in Stoke and whoever did the production here deserves a pat on the back. The Madlands is more upbeat and jangly and is a welcome contrast to the other slower tracks. Final track One Last Time is the single release from the EP and you can hear Noel Gallagher and The Smiths here. A truly incredible EP, The First Edition showcases a hidden and rare talent that is Bark Mailey. A must listen and despite being an EP, we make our own rules and giving this our Single Of The Week anyway.
More single releases this week and we open with The Magic Gang who are spot on with (The World) Outside My Door. It teases throughout and builds the tension but disappointingly doesn’t unleash the noise it threatens to..Heavy Salad tell us It’s OK To Bleed with a country gospel feel (it exists, just listen to this song). It is reflective and hopeful in equal measures..Something To Give is the latest release from Rod Fritz, an Australian singer/songwriter. Rod has toured internationally and this has a cracking chorus. Fritz is clearly a talented songwriter and in a field full of by the numbers make singer songwriters he is standing tall...Art Block is a singer/songwriter from London and has released his Basement EP. The title track is reminiscent of Linkin Park’s One More Night. A brooding track that builds. Teardrop is a piano affair that evolves into a fine pop ballad. The Sea is similar to Basement and at this point it’s just more of the same. Closing song Heart And Soul is the standard singer/songwriter affair; slow, acoustic and unmemorable. Still, Art does have a strong voice and two out of four isn’t bad...Vela Incident give us Hey You, an immediately interesting song with a unique vocal. It is hard to pin point the genre and i’m torn between thinking it is incredible or the exact opposite. Give Hey You a listen on our Spotify Playlist and judge for yourself..Robson are back with a six track EP. Standout tune The Eviction Party was reviewed here a while ago and at the time we weren’t altogether too kind. Upon reflection I can see that there is a tune here after all. Spend My Days suffers from one of our pet hates, an unnecessarily long intro. Once that is taken care of this is a dreamy almost trippy song. 1985 has a tremendous beat and is pretty solid which leads to Bev Knows, a disco pop killer track. It is like there are two sides to Robson and I really really like the dance stuff...Matt Koelsch with Christie Huff and Turn Around is interesting and something we don’t hear too often in this day and age, a proper duet. It’s a fun story..Fear Of God by Lauren Lakis is our rock tune of the week (there’s always one) despite her being a shoegaze pop artist apparently, this is industrial sounding mediocre stuff though it does pick up towards the end..Jack Henderson releases his album on October the 2nd and single Nobody Gets Hurt is the latest single release ahead of the album launch. It’s an outdated sounding track though might please your Auntie or something and that’s your lot for this week.
You can stream most of the tunes mentioned here on our Spotify Playlist.
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