DOTTS O'CONNOR On His Debut Solo Album 'Sorrow Won't Find Us'

Published on 15 October 2024 at 09:02


Your debut solo album, 'Sorrow Won't Find Us' was released at the end of September - what has the album been received thus far?

It's going really well thanks. Releasing an album in 2024 can be quite a lonely event but I wanted to do something to put the social element back into it so I did a few small pop up gigs around its release which has meant that I could interact with people and give them an idea of what the whole project is about.

What was the writing process behind the album, how do you typically work when writing?

I'm always playing guitar, it's always in my hands and therefore melodies come to me from the guitar so that's normally where I begin. For this album I rented a small cottage in the countryside in Cavan on and off over 6 months and did alot of writing there. I also wrote a few songs out on Achill Island in Mayo. I had everything written before going into the studio which was great because I was quite confident and sure of each song as I had spent alot of time with each one.

Our favourite track is 'Standing In A Gap' - can you tell us a little more about this poignant song?

This song is written about grief and the untold effect that it can have on people. A friend told me once that 'grief is just the love you still have for someone when they pass away'. I suppose I tried to channel that sentiment throughout the song.

Do you have a personal favourite song from the album?

My personal favourite is the last track 'What good are my tears to you?'. As I mentioned above I always write with a guitar in my hand but this song was written in 10 mins without any instrument. The melody just came to me and the rest just came quite easily which is always nice when you don't have to dig too deep.


You are also in a band - how did recording solo differ to a collaboration format?

The recording of this album felt quite spontaneous. The musicians I got to play with me are all amazing players so I just let them play....I tried to stay out of their way as regards giving too much direction which was liberating. The majority of the album was recorded live which was a really lovely experience.

For readers who have not heard your music before, what can they expect, how would you describe it?

I suppose it lives in the folk world. Its quite colloquial and local if that makes sense.

What's next for Dotts O'Connor?

Play these songs for as many people as possible and have a good time doing it.


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